SOTA Participants data files

SOTA_users_zip contains data files for logger and simulation programs, in order

  1. to simulate real SOTA activations with the actual callsigns of SOTA participants
  2. to display the other station's first name when his callsign is logged

  • SOTA_Calls.dta and SOTA_Calls.scp
    • These files contain callsigns of SOTA operators (all modes)
    • For N1MM, copy SOTA_Calls.scp to the N1MMLogger+/SupportFiles directory and rename it to master.scp
  • SOTA_Calls_CW.dta and SOTA_Calls_CW.scp
    • These files contain callsigns of SOTA operators (CW only)
    • For MorseRunner, copy SOTA_Calls.dta to the Afreet/MorseRunner directory and rename it to master.dta (demo)
    • For Morserino, rename SOTA_Calls_CW.scp to checkpartial_contest_calls_random.txt and follow the instructions on GitHub
    The .dta files can be used with CT, WriteLog, TRlog, SDSD, N1MM, NA, Win-Test, CW Skimmer.
    They can be modified with tools like Master.dta EditorCT.
  • SOTA_CallHistory.txt, SOTA_names.csv and SOTANames.xdt
    • These files contain callsigns and first names of SOTA operators
    • For N1MM, copy SOTA_CallHistory.txt to the N1MMLogger+/CallHistoryFiles directory and load it from the menu (File, Import, Import CallHistory)
    • For Outd, use the gear icon to load SOTA_names.csv
    • For VK port-a-log, copy SOTA_names.csv to Device/sdcard/VKportalog/names/names.csv.
    If you want to keep the data from your existing names.csv, open it in a text editor and copy the content of SOTA_names.csvafter your current entries.
  • SOTA_DXers.lst
    • This file contains callsigns of SOTA operators (CW only)
    • For PileupRunner, copy SOTA_DXers.lst to the Afreet/PileupRunner directory and rename it to DXers.lst

If you use these files with other applications, please send me the instructions. I'll add them above.